The straight and narrow way

The straight and narrow way

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


After Holy Mass, I went to the Adoration Chapel (of love) where Our Precious Lord spoke to my heart.

Child of mine, dearest one, on this great feast of Pentecost, My Holy Church is receiving a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. Lives are being transformed and visible change will be seen. Be encouraged, dear child. I pour out My Spirit and renew the face of the Earth. 
Be at peace. Fear not. Place all your trust in Me who was, who is, and will ever be. Peace

The message is this - Be of good faith.
All who are thirsty, come, drink.
Be refreshed. Be renewed.
The river of life flows through Me and into you.
You and I are One and ever will it be so.

Come to the water. Come.
I come to refresh and purify.
I set fire on the earth to purify My people.
Let every heart be alit with My love.
The flames are My love for each and every one of you.
I send My breath to fill you to overflow with New Life.

I have much to tell My people, but their hearts are cold.
Holy Communion
My Spirit sets them afire with love for Me and My people.

Come to Me all who are restless, and I will give you rest. Come to Me all who are downtrodden.
I will give you newness of life.
Do not despair. Come.
I AM waiting for you.

Thank you, Precious Lord. Thank you, Holy Spirit.  Come. I love you.

My love for you, My children, refreshes and renews you. It gives you all that you need. Be at peace.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Amen. Let us pray. O God, who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our Lord. Amen. +