The straight and narrow way

The straight and narrow way

Friday, August 28, 2015


Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ giving His all for love of us
Jesus giving Himself in the The Holy Eucharist
My precious Lord spoke to my heart in the Adoration Chapel of love. Thank you, dear God for this encouraging message.

My scribe, write this.
Times are changing so rapidly now that many people are left in the wake. 
Confusion and distortion abound. 
Tell My people, only through faith in Me, their God, will they find peace. 
Only through Me and My Sacraments will the confusion cease. 

Society is going downhill rapidly now, yet hope in Me. 
Am I not your Savior? 
Am I not your Almighty God? 
Though thousands fall all around you, My mighty arm protects you. 
I AM your buckler and shield. 
A bastion of angels surround you and your household. 
There is nothing to fear. 
The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Stay the course. 
Keep the faith. 
Frequent My Holy Sacraments in order to be strengthened for the battle. It rages on, yet you are above the fray. 
Cover yourselves every day with My Precious Blood. 
Receive My Precious Body and Blood. 
Frequent the confessional in order to stay pure. 
When you are cleansed in this way, the evil one has no power over you.
Cling to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother who love us

You are My dearly beloved children and no harm will befall you. 
Cling to Me and to Our Blessed Mother. 
We are your sure hiding place. 
Stay in My Word which illuminates and instructs. 

Pray, pray, pray. The Holy Rosary is your divine weapon. 
Pray for an end to hatred and for all to love Me, 
your God and to love one another. 
Pray for an end to conflict and strife 
and for My reign of peace to come to this troubled world. 
Pray for all to be saved and come into My glory. 
Blessed Mother, pray the Rosary with us
There is no other way.

Love without counting the cost. 
Help one another. Forgive all and have mercy on your enemies. Over all, put on love.
Wear it as a garment.
Love only love. 
Learn the lesson, dear children. 
Live the lesson.

My love for you is an ocean of blessings, favors, and graces. My love is mercy on all who come to Me. 
Come, dear children, Come. 
Now is the time of Mercy. Come. 
Now is the time of salvation.

Be at peace. You are greatly loved. Peace.

My servant girl, send this message out to the world. It is balm in the wounds of many broken hearts.

Precious Lord, thank you for loving me, for protecting me, for your mercy, and for your encouraging words. Thank you for your Passion, Death and Resurrection in order to save us. What great love! Cover us in your Precious Blood, dear Savior. Please increase my faith and hope in you. Take away all my fears. Help me to frequent the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass and receive your Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, for I need you. Give me the grace to confess my sins regularly, too.  I want to please you, dear Lord and not offend you, for I love you. I cling to you and to Our Blessed Mother with all my heart.  I pray for an end to hatred and for all to love you, dear God and one another. May wars end and may there be peace. May all be saved and come into your glory, Lord. Help me to love without counting the cost and to forgive all, for I desire your salvation and peace. This I pray in Jesus's mighty name through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.+